
Morning stroll in Paris!

Anita has stirred us into action, her "simply irresistible" mood got me longing for a coffee bang in the centre of Paris!

So here I go, having a coffee and croissant in the middle of "La ville d'amour"

on Rivoli street,

crossing over for a stroll in the Tuilleries garden,

getting slowly to the Carrousel du Louvre

and finally reaching the Louvre museum.

Oh, and just to leave you with an archive photo of the Eiffel tower seen fr
om the Tuilleries garden, overlooking place Concorde, lovely view!

Have a wonderful weekend lovelies,

7 commentaires:

Simone a dit…

Hello Lori! Lovely pictures of Paris. Thank you for taking me with you on your morning stroll! Thank you for commenting on my blog. I normally blog once or twice a week depending on my mood! Have a lovely weekend.

http://bitsandpieces-sonja.blogspot.com/ a dit…

Hi Lori:

I am so glad you dropped by to visit, it gave me a reason to hop over here and 'see' you in Paris! Wow! To live there... I can't even imagine.

Your pictures are so lovely, and give one more snapshot of that city we dream of.

I really enjoyed looking over your blog, so many special entries. You were in London for the wedding days too. How exciting!

My mom was born in Norway and I was there last summer. She is in heaven now, but her land is in my heart, and it was a dream come true!

Please come again, I will be back to visit you too.



Castles Crowns and Cottages a dit…

LORIE DEAR! THANK YOU FOR COMING AND FOR THIS POST! Oh, is there ANYTHING that Paris doesn't offer? Both good and bad...teeeheee! For me, all good. I SEE YOU LIVE THERE??? Donc, vous parlez la langue? Moi, je suis prof de français et je me regale de cette soirée aujourd'hui avec tant d'amis autour du monde! BONNE JOURNÉE!!! Anita

Maria a dit…

Oh ma chère Lori!
You do indeed have the "best window in the house" I think you are the only one who is actually IN Paris!!!
Oh what a day it would be for us to all gather there! Wouldn't that be très enchanté ! ! !
Oui enchanté !
J'espère que vous avez un beau week-end!
*Dieu te bénisse ♥

francis a dit…

Thank you so much for visiting me on your way to Paris .... and leaving me your kind comment . I want to be a follower but I cannot find your list . I will try tomorrow again . Have a wonderful sunday

Castles Crowns and Cottages a dit…

Oh Lori, BIEN SÛR! LA PROCHAINE FOIS QUE JE VAIS EN FRANCE, j'aurai vraiment des copines à voir. Moi aussi...le BLOGGING m'a beaucoup donné l'occassion de faire de vraies amies en France, Le Pays Bas surtout (Saskia, Francis, THE DUTCHESS, LILI, Sandra, Ria) wow. Donc, merci pour avoir participer avec nous tous! GROSSES BISES ET A LA PROCHAINE, Anita

Karena a dit…

Lori so good to see you at Anita's Paris Party. I love your site, and hope you will visit my Paris post!!

PS will have a fabulous giveaway starting on the 1st!

Art by Karena