
Weekend lovelies!

I had a lovely weekend with a friend from Liverpool, it was delightful. Lots of talk, walks, visits around Paris. A bit of hand craft, but not as much as other weekends. We had delightful weather, managed to eat out in our garden, took coffee on restaurant's terraces, and really relaxed.

Here are this weekend's flowers:

Oh, and a bit of ripple, still learning!

As well as an idea for granny crochet, perhaps one day I shall crochet/knit this design:

Hope you all had a sunny relaxed weekend, L xxx

2 commentaires:

Cindy F. a dit…

Great pics Lori! The flowers are beautiful! I just love spring time!
Good job on your crocheting! I'm sure you WILL make that absolutely too cute sweater one day!

Daniela a dit…

Superbe florile de mai sus! si ce placuta relaxare ai avut...! aici abia daca vezi oameni pe strada dar sa te si mai intalnesti la o cafea intr-o dupa amiaza placuta de primavara..stii cum este aici Lori? orice anotimp pare mohorat ..oricat de frumos ar fi ;;pentru ca acestor orase americane le lipseste "viata"! aici primavara si vara sunt la fel de "moarte" precum iarna :( ..te invidiez dar iti urez totodata la cat mai multe bucurii in jurul prietenilor si bucura te si pentru mine! te pup!
ps. hai ca stii sa crosetezi! uite ce bine ti au iesit modelele :)